About Us

At Redway Community Services District, our goal is to provide safe, clean, Drinking water to all of our residents!

Redway CSD is Community Services District (CSD).

Redway CSD was formed in 1965 from a private water system. In 1977 Redway CSD was reorganized to include the former Redway Sanitary District.

Presently, the District maintains and operates a water and wastewater system. These facilities provide water service to approximately 100% of the households and businesses in the District, and approximately 93% of the households and businesses with wastewater treatment.

 The water system has a single water source,The sources of water consist of an infiltration gallery located on the banks of the South Fork of the Eel River. A conventional filter water treatment plant, three storage facilities. The total capacity of the three storage tanks is approximately 815,000 gallons. The District has a 275,000 gallon welded steel tank, a 440,000 gallon welded steel tank and a 100,000 gallon tank at a higher elevation that provides storage for the Meadows Industrial Park. We have two pressure reduction vaults, and one booster pump station, as well as the transmission and distribution lines (many of which were installed prior to 1950).The District maintains approximately 30 miles of distribution piping ranging in size from 1 ½ inches to 10 inches and consisting of iron, cement, and plastic pipe.

The District’s wastewater collection system incorporates both gravity mains and five lift stations. The WWTP includes a 300,000 gallon oxidation ditch, clarification, and a chlorination/dechlorination system. Effluent is primarily discharged to upland percolation ponds located on land owned by the District. The wastewater systems average flow ranges between 140,000 gpd during dry weather and 430,000 gpd during wet weather. The facility has a permitted dry weather design flow of 186,000 gpd and a peak wet weather design flow of 615,000 gpd. Therefore the facility is currently operating at approximately 75% capacity with respect to both dry weather and wet weather capacities.

The District is governed by a Board of 5 members of the community. The Board members are elected to four year terms, or can be appointed if there is no opposition registered at the County elections office.

Clients are billed monthly for water and wastewater treatment. As a Special District, Redway CSD also receives some property tax revenues that are added to RCSD operating funds.

The District employs a General Manager, a Finance Manager, an Office Administrator, several licensed operators and additional technical and legal consultants as needed. All employees and consultants report to the General Manager.



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